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Notice of Public Meeting to be held Monday, May 13, 2024

Please be advised a public meeting will be held May 13, 2024, at 6:30pm to discuss two applications for Zoning By-Law amendments.

Members of the public may attend the Public Meeting in person at the Township of Scugog Municipal Office (Council Chambers on Upper Level) located at 181 Perry Street, Port Perry.

Members of the public can also participate electronically or watch the meeting live through our Agendas and Minutes page.

Information about the two applications can be found below:

Z/05/2023 - 22451 Simcoe Street

A Planning Act public meeting will be held for an application to amend Zoning By-law 14-14 (File: Z/05/2023) submitted by Michael Smith Planning Consultants on behalf of Twelve Stone Group (c/o Stephen Meyer) for 22451 Simcoe Street. The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone a portion of the subject lands from the Future Residential (FD) Zone to Hamlet Residential – Private Services zone with special exceptions (HR1-XX) to facilitate the development of a 12-lot residential subdivision and one block for a stormwater management pond.

A key map of the area is available for reference.

Further information can be found on our MyScugog web platform.

Z/06/2023 - 19350 Island Road

A Planning Act public meeting will be held for an application to amend Zoning By-law 14-14 (File: Z/06/2023) submitted by Dan Stone on behalf of Kelley and Richard Hunter located at 19350 Island Road in the Township of Scugog. The purpose of Zoning By-law Amendment is recognize and permit the existing small-scale luxury camping operation as an accessory use to the principal rural residential use on the subject property. The Subject Lands are proposed to be rezoned from Agricultural (AG), Agricultural with a Holding Symbol (AG(H)) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Rural Residential (RR) and Environmental Protection with a special exception (EP-XX).

A key map of the area is available for reference.

Further information can be found on our MyScugog web platform.

Members of the public wishing to address the Committee through electronic means rather than appear in person with their comments are required to submit their request to speak to this matter no later than 4:00pm on May 10, 2024, by contacting the Office of the Township Clerk at with your full name, address and the item on the agenda. This will allow time for you to be added to the meeting.

Additional information and material about the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and draft plan of subdivision is available at the Township of Scugog offices, 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact the Township of Scugog at 905-985-7346 ext. 171 or

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